Incruises club bonus points.

Sea cruise for free or with a huge discount? Doesn’t sound very convincing. We all know where there is free cheese. That is why the partners of the InCruises club slowly figured it out and understand the meaning of bonus points. Dear reader, if this is your first time hearing about our club, then I will try to convey to you the benefits of membership. The new Membership Program 2.0 went into effect on April 1, 2022. Damn her! But the beautiful fairy tale has come to an end.

The club system for residents of the CIS, the matter is not very familiar and understandable, but I will still try to explain. I won’t go far. For example, a fitness center. You pay monthly and receive the service. A year later, the owner of the fitness center tells you: You have been paying your monthly membership fees on time all year, and I am ready to give you a discount. For each payment, I will add a month of free use of the fitness center to you.

There are plenty of similar examples. These are banks, chain stores, mobile operators and much more. They all reward their customers with various points that allow them to save on the cost of their products or services.

But since in our case the service — Since this is a cruise, and it costs much more, we gradually accumulate the necessary amount with the help of monthly contributions. It is converted into bonus points to save on your cruise booking.

What are InCruises club bonus points

Bonus Point is an internal unit of account for club members. Bonus Points are not a currency, cryptocurrency or anything like that. They remain simply bonus points accumulated in your account. They can only be used to book a sea cruise/hotel or reduce its cost.

After registration, each club member sees 3 digital cards with Bonus Points (BB) accounts in their personal online account.

Бонусные баллы клуба Incruises.

Blue Bonus Card

Бонусные баллы клуба Incruises.

Gold bonus card

Бонусные баллы клуба Incruises.

Black bonus card

  • Blue card (1 to 1)
  • Gold card (2 to 1)
  • Black card (2 to 1)

Blue and gold cards

Anyone who wants to join our community of travelers pays $200 and becomes a member of the club.

  • 100$ goes towards activating the membership and goes straight to the blue card (100 BB)
  • $100 on a gold card and doubles (200 BB).

Бонусные баллы клуба Incruises.

In the future, the company adds another 100 bonus points for each payment of $100, provided that the club member status is active.

Black card

Only leaders with the rank of Marketing Director and above have this digital card. The Black Card provides additional benefits for its holders when booking a cruise.

Active membership status

According to the rules of the Incruises club, each member is obliged to

  • Make a monthly contribution of $100 to your personal account without delay.
  • Or the second option — pay at least once every 3 months to maintain an active membership status.

ATTENTION! Otherwise, all your accumulated bonus points will be converted from the gold card (2 to 1) and transferred to the blue card (1 to 1). That is, you will lose the accumulated points with a doubling and only your bonus points will remain.

Example: You paid $500 for 5 months and received another 500 BB. Total 1000 BB. Once your status becomes inactive, only 500 BB will go to the blue card, not 1000.

I want to make a note here. It is advisable and interesting for a beginner to pay fees monthly, since he is interested in going on a cruise as soon as possible.

More frequent payments mean more bonus points!

Thus, each payment adds 200 bonus points, and in a year you can accumulate up to 2400 BB.

And if you have been in the club for a long time and have accumulated enough BB during the pandemic, then simply make contributions once every 3 months. Don’t lose your active member status – this will allow you to save more on the cost of your cruise.

Бонусные баллы клуба Incruises.

From here it becomes clear why we say that buying sea cruises in our club is much more profitable. After all, we will book a sea voyage for double bonus points InCruises.

Terms and conditions for booking a cruise with bonus points.

When it comes time to book your trip, you will be asked to choose which Reward Points ratio (2 to 1 or 1 to 1) to use for that booking. Let’s look at options for saving the cost of a cruise using bonus points from different digital cards.

  • Blue card (1 to 1). Points from this card can be used to book hotels and resorts.
  • Gold card (2 to 1). Bonus points can be used to book a cruise where the maximum amount of BBs available for use is 50% of the cruise price. And you pay the remaining 50% from your credit card. The total savings will be 25%.
  • Black card (2 to 1). Leaders can use 100% BB to pay for cruises at 100% of the retail price. The savings will be 100%.

Moreover, every time after paying for a cruise 50% of your money, the same amount goes to your blue card (cash back). This way you constantly accumulate BB.


You have 700 BB on your gold card. You found a cruise worth $1200. Payment upon booking will be made as follows. You will be charged 600 BB from your gold card and pay another $600 out of your pocket, which will be returned to your blue card in the amount of 600 BB.


In any case, the savings on the cost of the cruise are noticeable. The Travel Lover will love the 2.0 Membership Program with bonus points included!

The decision is of course up to you, but I personally have played enough of these games with the club.

Бонусные баллы клуба Incruises.

“Don’t put off your dreams, there are other options to go on a sea cruise”

Blog author, Sergey Buslaev

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Бонусные баллы клуба Incruises.



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