Madagascar. Diego Suarez (Antsiranana)

On the eighth day of the cruise around the islands of the Indian Ocean, we arrived at the port of Antsiranana, which is located in the north of Madagascar. Until 1975, this city was called Diego Suarez, and our waybill also had this name. As the local guide explained to us, Europeans still use the old name of the city, Diego Suarez. Then there was a revolution and Antsiranana apparently was not recognized.

Initially this stop was not on our route at all. We learned about it after boarding our liner Costa Mediterranea. We were supposed to stay in the Seychelles for 3 days, but they cut it down to two. On the free day, a stop was added in Diego Suarez.

Diego-Suarez (Antsiranana)

Since I didn’t know about this stop in advance, there was no way to prepare. Our guide Arthur from Nosy Be helped us out. He recommended one Russian-speaking guide to Diego Suarez, I don’t remember his name.

Мадагаскар. Диего-Суарес (Анциранана)

But we failed to meet him at the port. Perhaps we were a little late, although he assured that he would definitely wait for everyone.

As it turned out, this was even for the better.

We left the port onto the square, where there were about a dozen and a half people offering excursions.

They began to choose and bargain.

Мадагаскар. Диего-Суарес (Анциранана)

I liked the route, which contains the following local attractions:

  • Canyon
  • Baobabs
  • Beach

We agreed for 20 euros per person, and he offered for 25. Later on the way, we finally crossed paths with the original guide, and as I already wrote, we didn’t regret it.

He was transporting his group in a crowded minibus, like old RAFik, who remembers this miracle. Six of us traveled in a minivan, which was much more comfortable.

Мадагаскар. Диего-Суарес (Анциранана)

The path to the canyon was not close, and the road was not good everywhere. Most of the way was on completely broken asphalt. The scorching sun did not add to the comfort either.

Мадагаскар. Диего-Суарес (Анциранана)

Мадагаскар. Диего-Суарес (Анциранана)

The guy who was driving us showed with gestures that the air conditioning was not working. I think I was just saving gas. Of course there was a breeze through the open windows, but it was hot at the stops.

Мадагаскар. Диего-Суарес (Анциранана)

We drove more than 100 km. It’s a bit far, of course, and the girls didn’t really like this trip. But I personally don’t regret it. We saw the African savannah, mountains, how the locals live, and finally, the canyon itself in Tsingy Rouge Park.

Canyon in Tsingy Rouge Park

The photo and video do not show all its beauty and charm. You might think that he was filming in a nearby ravine somewhere on the Volga. But the colors and shapes were amazing. The clay is bright red, like throughout Madagascar. It’s not for nothing that this island is called red. The earth is this color everywhere.

Мадагаскар. Диего-Суарес (Анциранана)

Мадагаскар. Диего-Суарес (Анциранана)

Мадагаскар. Диего-Суарес (Анциранана)

In addition to clay, salt stalactites have grown in the canyon, only unlike caves, they grow from the ground upward . Colors range from white and pink to bright red. Impressive!

On the way back the car broke down. Trifle, unscrewed by bump protection bolts. We stopped in a small village. The driver went looking key, and we enjoyed the local flavor. Mangoes grow like our apple trees everywhere. We ate to our hearts’ content. We noticed how the locals laughed at us, saying, Have you ever eaten a mango?


Due to a delay on the way, we didn’t get to the grove with baobabs, but on the way the driver still stopped at one tree.

Мадагаскар. Диего-Суарес (Анциранана)

We took pictures and made a video. The baobab, of course, was far from a giant. Apparently very young, but nevertheless impressed.


This is where complete disappointment awaited us. The beach can hardly be called a beach. No, no, there is nice sand and an ocean, but it turned out to be some kind of fishing village and market with specific fish smells.

We moved away and swam, whoever wanted to. I swam from the shore with the camera and took some pictures.

From the water it doesn’t even look bad.

Мадагаскар. Диего-Суарес (Анциранана)

Мадагаскар. Диего-Суарес (Анциранана)

Back we drove along the ocean overlooking a small island, but with a very high mountain on it.

On the way we stopped at a shop and bought the vaunted Madagascar rum.

Don’t forget to pour it into a plastic bottle, otherwise they will take it away on the ship before the end of the cruise. In the port, as in the morning, a folk ensemble danced and sang.

Stop in Diego Suarez compared to all the others, was, perhaps, the poorest in terms of impressions. But as I wrote above, no I’m sorry, very informative.

I looked at the poverty people live in, but the smile never left their faces. And we all cry that we live poorly in Russia. We live well, friends! Very good!

Мадагаскар. Диего-Суарес (Анциранана)

“In the next article, read about the final, third stop in Madagascar — Tuamasina (Tamatave).”

Blog author Sergey Buslaev

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Мадагаскар. Диего-Суарес (Анциранана)



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