Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap!

Perhaps, each of us has come across such an expression as “Free cheese can only be found in a mousetrap”, this is the Russian version. In the American style, it sounds like “There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch,” which translates to “There are no free lunches.” As a rule, by this phrase we mean some kind of deception or trick of the seller, the so-called advertising ploy.

Simple example —  Buy 2 tubes of natural toothpaste and get the third one free. Familiar? And an excursion with free wine tasting? And there are many such examples. Let’s talk more specifically and analyze them.

So is it free or not?

In everyday life, as a rule, we do not use the word at all for free! We usually say a gift. We give relatives and friends exactly a gift, although and paid real money for it. After all, we don’t say: — Hold the bouquet dear flowers are free!?

Buy 2 bottles, the third is free.

We often meet this call in supermarkets, perfume and grocery stores. This could mean the following:

Бесплатный сыр бывает только в мышеловке!

  • the company is interested in a quick turnover of money in order to purchase a large batch and “spin” again
  • the product is stale, option with perishable food products, the shelf life is approaching the end.
  • or the price of two bottles already includes the price of three bottles.

Additional service

As an advertisement for your main product, company offer additional services, for example

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  • If you want a plastic window, measurement and installation are free for you
  • Get home Internet, cable TV, apartment wiring, cable and setup for free
  • Buy a refrigerator from us, delivery and pick-up are free.


The example about an excursion with wine tasting or something else is familiar to many who have visited Turkey. You will be taken along an interesting route and will stop at a chocolate factory or wine cellar, where you will be given a small portion of the product to taste for free. If you like it, you will buy a bottle or a box from them.

Бесплатный сыр бывает только в мышеловке!

Now they also conduct tastings in supermarkets. Cheese is not in mousetrap, sausages, juices, and before the fight against smoking one could also find cigarettes. Remember, when you give away your incomplete pack, you get a full one, but it’s already theirs. marks.

The same thing happens with perfumes. Women know that specialized retail outlets sometimes give out so-called “samples.” This is a tiny bottle of perfume for 2-3 uses. If you like it, then the woman will come back and buy a whole bottle.

Бесплатный сыр бывает только в мышеловке!

There is a hairdresser not far from me, it says in huge letters – 5 haircuts for 250 rubles, the sixth is free. It turns out that a haircut actually costs 200 rubles, that’s all.

Bring a friend!

I am sure that everyone has come across in one form or another such advertisements as “Refer a friend” and get a reward. In essence, this promotion is an affiliate program, the purpose of which is — expansion of the client or partner network.

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It’s simple! Recommend a company’s product or service, and it will will thank you with a product or a monetary fee.

There are plenty of examples.

These are banks, mobile operators, Yandex products, pharmacies, etc.

I’m generally silent about network companies, because this marketing ploy was borrowed from them! Network companies were the first to abandon traditional types of advertising. Their entire advertising budget does not go to television, tabloids, the Internet and radio, but to rewards for that same affiliate program. True, ordinary companies now use the slogan – bring a friend, as in the case of free air tickets.

So it turns out that there is no free cheese!


Nothing is free! The saying “free cheese is only in a mousetrap” is true. You have to pay for everything in this life! And if not in monetary terms, then, as we have already discussed in the article, by action, performing certain work, purchasing small wholesale items and other things provided for by marketing things.

In modern society, such things have become calm. Everyone understands what is behind the sentence using the magic word – FREE. It really affects people’s psychology; these words are called psychotriggers.

And if a person is educated, comprehensively developed, understands these things from the inside, then he willingly buys products using the word free. If he sees his benefit, then he doesn’t care what benefit the company will receive.

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Бесплатный сыр бывает только в мышеловке!



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