Completing your trip to Northern Europe

We took this cruise in Northern Europe in October 2018. As you can see, everything was great and we really enjoyed the trip. We visited five countries and seven wonderful cities on this cruise. But nevertheless, I have not yet told what troubles awaited us in the last days of the journey.

And although almost everything ended well in the end, we were very worried then. After all, no matter how well a person controls himself, in any case, an unfamiliar situation leads, at a minimum, to excitement.

Troubles while traveling

A series of troubles began on the ship, and ended at home, in my hometown of Samara. This can happen  with every. And now everything is in order.

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Changing the ship’s route

Remember, I told you how British customs officers took our passports after an interview? This was the day before we arrived in Southampton. In the evening we went to the reception to find out when our documents would be returned to us. After all, our cruise ended immediately after England.

The next morning we must leave the ship at Le Havre. To which came a stunning response: — But we won’t go to France, there’s a railway workers’ strike there, we’ll sail straight to Belgium. You’ve been warned.

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Not to France came in and immediately sailed to Belgium.

— Who? When? — I exclaimed in bewilderment. There was a note in the ship’s “press” that may have been missed. Svetlana and I carefully studied the program for tomorrow every day and saw nothing like this.

Perhaps there was a separate sheet in English that was not given any significance. By the way, our friends didn’t see the announcement either.

Basically, we were asked where it would be convenient for us to be taken in France. MSC has booked several buses from Zeebrugge:

  1. Le Havre – the port where they were supposed to arrive
  2. Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris
  3. Train station in the center of Paris

Since we were leaving the day after the plane arrived, we chose the third option. Let me remind you that tickets from Le Havre to Paris were already purchased from us and, accordingly, disappeared. But besides time, in any case, we have not lost anything. The cruise company provided us with transportation and a decent package of food for free.

A comfortable bus took us to the center of Paris in 3-4 hours. Just a couple of metro stops from our hotel. So we got there well and appreciated the quality of Belgian and French roads. This was the first trouble that ended well.

Broken suitcase

After getting off the bus, I noticed that my suitcase somehow began to behave differently on the sidewalk, it was slowing down, it didn’t want to go straight, it was creating problems, in a word. It was only at the hotel that I realized what was going on. The loaders at the port abandoned it so that a couple of wheels “with meat” were torn out.

It should be noted that the suitcase was completely new, and the reviews about its strength amazed even me. I bought it on my own. In short, these two wheels barely held on, and the next day I somehow got it to the airport.

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Thankfully we booked the transfer in advance; it would have been difficult with such a load on the metro or bus. And in terms of money, specifically in Paris, it turns out to be the same as on public transport. It is more profitable to take a taxi.

This was the second problem that could not be corrected. The warranty has long expired, and such a breakdown cannot be repaired.

Luggage lost during flight

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The last trouble awaited us at our home airport “Kurumoch”. We went through customs, approached the belt where baggage is issued, we stand, waiting for the “wounded” suitcase. The flight is 10 hours with a transfer in Istanbul. It’s about 3 am, tired, want to sleep. No suitcase.

I am sent to a special service to write a statement. Very strictly, I ruined a couple of forms, my eyes can’t see anymore. In short, everything was done. They said that this is a common thing and not to be upset. In 99% of cases, the luggage is found and it is brought on the next flight.

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Where is my suitcase?

Delivery home at the expense of the airline. If you are among the 1% of those whose suitcase disappeared without a trace, the company will pay the owner up to 150 euros. And if the value of the luggage exceeds this amount, then you need to fill out some more paperwork. The suitcase was delivered to us 3 days later, safe and sound. Well, apart from the fact that they broke it before.

Recommendations for traveler

I always recommend to my club colleagues, especially those who are going on a cruise for the first time, to arrive at least a day before the ship’s departure and fly out the next day. These are the minimum requirements, more is possible, less is undesirable.

The flight can be delayed even on a highly reliable airline, let alone low-cost airlines. You may get caught in a traffic jam while you are there, or, like me, become hostage to some kind of strike. So you should have some time to maneuver. Plus, there will be time to see the city where your cruise starts from.

Remember! No ship will wait for you!

As for returning, also look at my example. If it had been a tight ticket, we would hardly have made it to our plane.

Selecting a suitcase.

Sveta chose our suitcase and took the largest one that was on the counter. I believe that this is what caused the suitcase to break. Its enormous weight and from a small height, if it falls unsuccessfully, will smash or tear off everything possible. This is not the first suitcase that has been broken on our travels. I concluded that it is better to buy two small suitcases than one large one.

In conclusion

If you, dear reader, have become acquainted with the entire series of articles from the   «Cruise in Northern Europe«, then you understand perfectly well that all of the above troubles — just dust compared to the impressions received. I just thought it necessary to warn you that this can happen while traveling.

This was the end of the journey. I recommend repeating our sea cruise route in Northern Europe, using my tips and recommendations!

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Be amazed at the beauty of our planet and be happy!

— Sergey Buslaev

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