Blog – a tool for business promotion

Many readers love this cruise blog and often ask the question: — Is there any point in keeping a diary? By the way, a blog is an online diary. Do clients and partners come through it? Is a blog a powerful tool for promoting a company or service? My answer is always clear: – Yes! Certainly!

I have been interested in and involved in the blogosphere for a long time and therefore, of course, I have my own opinion and experience on this issue. At the same time, I run another Business Blog. I always smile when they tell me that blogs are dying, and now YouTube rules.

I think to myself how great it is that I will have fewer competitors! This is probably why I have TOP positions in my field. And I also really love YouTube, and in conjunction with a blog – it’s a powerful tool for business promotion!

Блог — инструмент для продвижения бизнеса

Creating a blog to promote business

Usually, before deciding whether a blog is needed or not, beginners are frightened by two questions:

  1. I will master the technical aspects?
  2. What to write about and where to find time for this?

In fact, various blogging platforms and templates have now been developed that a beginner can practically master. These include website builders and special business templates. Moreover, there is a special template for a professional MLM blog. I talk about it in a video clip, it is below in the article.

In general, you won’t need any special knowledge. And if you consider that the template itself comes with a full-fledged video course on setting up the appearance and the actual MLM blog, then the cost of this product is very low, in my opinion .

What to blog about?

The answer to the second question is much more difficult, because it is directly related to laziness! It is inherent in almost every person. If there is a choice to do or not to do, then our brain will give everyone a familiar answer

Блог — инструмент для продвижения бизнеса

You need to write regularly – this is one of the basic rules for the popularity of a blog. Moreover, write for certain key queries (you can also learn this). There are lessons and my personal articles on optimizing articles and promoting them on the Internet. I will provide assistance with individual setup to everyone who buys a template using the link from the article.

Timeby far the most valuable human resource! And if you compare whether you spend it on writing a post for social networks or an article for a blog, then the choice is obvious. A post on social media will disappear into oblivion in the back of the Internet in a few days, and your correctly written article will bring readers to the site for a very long time and generate leads and orders for you.

Why am I sure of this, because 2-3 people register every day using my link. And this is the target audience, not onlookers from social networks. I hope you understand the difference between calling everyone and talking to your target audience.

Types of blog templates

Блог — инструмент для продвижения бизнеса

Moreover, in the video I did not talk about other areas and capabilities of this product for promoting a business on the Internet.

  • Don’t want to «bother» with setting up a blog, specialists will do it for you.
  • You can order an individual business blog
  • There is also a professional online store

Блог — инструмент для продвижения бизнеса

In conclusion

When you are looking for something, where do you first enter the query? Correctly, not in YouTube, but in the search engines Yandex or Google. Millions of global network users do the same! People read information on various sites, including personal blogs, where the author shares his impressions about products, services, business, etc. …

Personal blog is one of the most necessary tools for promotionyour brand and business! It would seem that I am writing banal things that are known to everyone, but nevertheless there are thousands of people who ignore this important tool.

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Блог — инструмент для продвижения бизнеса



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