Traveler's Onboard Cruise Card

I would like to report to you, dear readers, that the onboard cruise card is a very convenient thing. This is a plastic card with a magnetic stripe that looks and functions like a bank card. Serves as: a key to your cabin, a means of payment, an identity document and a pass to the ship. The cruise card will be issued at the reception after boarding the ship or will already be in your cabin.

The onboard card shows your first and last name, ship name, cruise start and end dates, cabin type and number, deck, restaurant, table number and meal changes. In a word, everything that can be useful for a passenger.

Pass to board the ship and cabin key

When you receive your onboard cruise card at the port terminal, you will be photographed and entered into the ship’s database. In the future, the security service will identify you by card when leaving and entering the ship, comparing the original with the photo in the database. Having such a pass does not require you to carry documents with you.

Бортовая круизная карта путешественника

The cruise card also serves as a magnetic key to your cabin. Just insert it into the reader on the door. Then, once inside, use the card to activate the electricity supply to the cabin. Don’t worry that you won’t be able to see the card slot in the dark, the night lights will light without it.

Cruise card as a means of payment on the ship

It should be immediately noted that it is impossible to pay for purchases and services on the ship with cash or a bank card! To do this, a separate personal account is created for each passenger, and the on-board card is linked to it. After replenishing your account, you can pay with this card in such establishments as:

  • SPA salon
  • Bars and restaurants (paid)
  • Boutiques on the ship
  • Casino
  • Excursion Bureau

This is very convenient. No need to carry a wallet, just hand your card to the bartender or salesperson. Everything happens as with a regular card, only instead of entering a PIN code, you will be asked to sign on a receipt, or on a tablet with a special pencil.

Бортовая круизная карта путешественника

Бортовая круизная карта путешественника

You can view your account balance:

  • in special devices,
  • request a statement at the reception,
  • in your cabin using interactive TV.

Service fees (tips) will also be debited from this card.

Бортовая круизная карта путешественника

How to top up your onboard cruise card

There are two ways to top up your card balance:

  1. Cash at reception
  2. Link a bank card

Both methods have their pros and cons. It’s certainly great to link a card and not think about money during the cruise, but here’s the catch. The cruise company blocks the funds you spent in your bank account, and after the end of the trip, writes off the entire amount.

Thus, it looks like a double write-off. The blocked funds will of course be returned to you, but this will not happen soon, it depends on the bank.

Cash is more convenient in this regard, but if it runs out, you will have to go again and top up your cruise card account.

Credit cards are another matter, well, those that give an interest-free loan for 50-100 days. It is not your personal funds that are blocked, but the bank’s. You just need to return the amount spent on time.

Advice and suggestions

Be careful, sometimes the bar is crowded and you may get your card back by mistake. You’ll have to block it and get a new one. Also, don’t lose your cruise card on the shore during excursions, it’s not very pleasant.

Onboard cruise cardAs a rule, they are not taken from you after the end of the cruise, you can keep it as a souvenir.  If after your first trip you have contracted a virus called “cruise mania,” then this is a great reason to expand your future collection of cards from various cruise lines.

According to statistics, 80% of passengers go on a cruise again. Maybe you will join the majority? And we will help you —

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