Sea cruise “Grand Voyage from Brazil to Europe”

And again a perfect match! Luxury cruise ship MSC Seashore and transatlantic route from Brazil to Italy. This is the very case when a ship sails on the sea for several days without stopping, and you don’t get bored for a minute.

For the ship is huge, and even just a quick inspection of it will take more than one day. But I already introduced you to it in the previous article, and today we’ll look at Grand Voyage from South America to Europe.

I have already reported that this kind of route happens about 2 times a year. And their only disadvantage is that boarding and disembarking on board a cruise ship takes place in different countries or even continents. As a result, the cost of flights is increasing. You know, if you buy air tickets there and back, it turns out much cheaper. In this version, this opportunity cannot be used. Although there are good options for practically free air tickets.

The very crossing of the ocean evokes mixed feelings. Some have fear, some have delight. It’s no joke, 6 days at sea, and that’s not counting small passages between cities and countries. 

Морской круиз «Гранд Вояж из Бразилии в Европу»

On such a long voyage, it is important how interesting, modern and unusual the liner is on the route. Of course, you won’t die of boredom on ships built in 2010, but here, on the modern giant MSC Seashore, a week at sea will fly by like one day. Moreover, each will not be similar to the other. If you haven’t read about the ship yet, go back a couple of articles.

18 nights/19 days

  • Santos, Brazil
  • Ilya Grandi, Brazil
  • Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 
  • A day at sea
  • Salvador, Brazil
  • 6 days at sea
  • Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
  • Funchal, Portugal 
  • 2 days at sea
  • Valencia, Spain
  • Marseille, France
  • Genoa, Italy
  • Civitavecchia, Italy

Морской круиз «Гранд Вояж из Бразилии в Европу»

Departure from Santos

Santos is a relatively small city with a very rich historical center of colonial Brazil. Medieval temples, museums, residential areas called favelas, local cuisine — all this will certainly delight travelers and history buffs. Leaving the historical center of Santos, you find yourself in a modern high-rise city with large beaches and appropriate infrastructure.

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Stop at Ilya Grandi Island

The island of Ilha Grande was discovered by the Portuguese in 1502. There have been all sorts of institutions here since then. Plantations, hospitals, transit point for migrants, etc. The last one was a maximum security prison until 1990. All this is in the distant past, but today tourists are attracted by: pristine nature, beautiful bays and beaches.

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Rio de Janeiro

This huge city does not require any special introduction. The capital of Brazil until 1960, which Ostap Bender dreamed of. This cruise stops in Rio de Janeiro for only 9 hours. Therefore, I recommend deciding in advance on the place you definitely want to visit. I’ll give you just a few ideas with the most tourists visiting: Sugar Mountain, Jesus statue, city beaches, sightseeing tour.

Морской круиз «Гранд Вояж из Бразилии в Европу»

A Day at Sea

This day can be devoted to your first acquaintance with the cruise ship. See where everything is on the ship, plan visits to events, restaurants, gaming areas, pools and spas. You will still have plenty of time to leisurely explore all the delights of the ship.

Salvador, Brazil

Perhaps I will not be original if I say that the city of Salvador is somewhat similar to most coastal cities in Brazil. The authentic, colonial-era city center echoes the high-rise buildings. An intricate fortress on the waterfront, beautiful beaches in the central part of El Salvador will delight those who are in this country for the first time.

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6 days Atlantic

Yes, for almost a week you will cross the Atlantic Ocean to the shores of the Canary Islands. It is during this incomplete week that you will enjoy the delights of modern technology, entertainment, leisure, cultural programs and, of course, taste different cuisines in numerous restaurants, cafes and lounges. It will be no less impressive than visiting any of the cities along the route of the “Grand Voyage from Brazil to Europe” cruise.

Santa Cruz de Tenerife

In the Canary Islands everything is covered in flowers, And the Canary Islands are drowning in the ocean. I was in the Canary Islands in pink dreams. And there he declared his love to Marianne And there he declared his love to Marianne.

I remembered a line from the song of the band «Merry Guys». Personally, when I listen to this song, paradise islands appear in my imagination, drowning in unprecedented flowers, and next to the beautiful girl Marianna.

The capital of the state, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, is a modern city with a population of about half a million people. In the 8 hours allotted for the ship’s parking, you can stroll along the large embankment where the main attractions are located. You can take a sightseeing tour or, like one of my friends, go to the mountains to an observation deck. Stunning views await you.

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Funchal, Portugal

Funchal is the capital of the island of Madeira. A small town in the Portuguese style with fairly old buildings of 2-3 floors. Try the local cuisine and, of course, the famous Madeira wine. Experience the atmosphere of mainland Portugal without going there.

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2 days at sea

We continue to enjoy the grandeur and technology of a modern cruise ship. Use every moment and every nook and cranny of the ship for your pleasure.

Valencia, Spain

The next stop on the busy route will be the ancient Spanish city of Valencia. Of course, you will also encounter a number of modern architectural delights (not for everyone), but the old city will amaze you with the art of ancient European architects.

I’ve been to Barcelona, ​​but judging by the videos I watched about Valencia, it’s much cooler. But these are just my expectations and fantasies; in reality it may turn out completely different. Then write in the comments your impression of this city.

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Marseille, France

The very next day you will moor, or most likely stand at the roadstead of the port of Marseille. 7 hours to explore the city center, perhaps take a sightseeing tour. If you wish, you will see the Chateau d’If. There are excursions there, where you will see an island with a fortress where the hero of the novel by A. Dumas, Count of Monte Cristo, served his time. Honestly, I don’t know what else this city can please a tourist with. I have neutral feelings from his visit.

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Genoa, Italy

Personally, I really liked this small town. It is imbued with the Italian charm of ancient Italy. Cozy cafes, small squares with cathedrals, the embankment, the hospitality of the residents. All this left pleasant impressions and memories of provincial Italy. All attractions are close to the cruise port and we limited ourselves to just walking. Audio guide to help you.

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Civitavecchia, Italy

The cruise will end in the suburbs of Rome, the town of Civitavecchia. In 1-1.5 hours you are in Rome. Well, in this city, probably everyone knows what to see. A huge layer of historical heritage will be under your feet in whatever part of the city you are in. The Colosseum, the Vatican, the Fountain of Neptune and an unimaginable number of places steeped in the history of centuries.

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Visa documents

To make this dream come true, you will need a multiple-entry Schengen visa (Spain). Entry to Brazil is visa-free, the main condition — The expiration date of a foreign passport must exceed six months from the date of entry.

Cost of the cruise “Grand Voyage from Brazil to Europe”

Perhaps the most popular question among those planning a cruise. The cost of this particular route is from 1598 euros for an internal cabin for two.

Service fees, drinks, excursions, alcohol on board — are paid separately.

Is it expensive or not? Rhetorical question. Different people, different levels of income and opportunities, different ideas about expensive and cheap. Some people are scared by this price, but those who have already been on cruises understand what it is, for such a route — quite acceptable, if not cheap.

Like last time, when talking about the no less interesting cruise “Grand Voyage from South Africa to Europe,” I recommend booking a cabin with a balcony. The voyage is long and huddles in the interior cabin, denying oneself all the delights of a cabin with a balcony or higher — not worth it.

And once again I will say that this is my personal opinion, which was formed from several trips on cruises. And of course, it’s up to you to decide.

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