Samara – Shiryaevo. A colorful walk along the Volga.

After long months of quarantine, I feel like going somewhere. Let it be even a short trip, for example, a boat trip along my native Volga, I thought, and then I got a call from my friend Gennady.

Yesterday Ekaterina and I took a boat ride on the Volga, he said. Why weren’t we invited? I was surprised. Let’s go to Shiryaevo? tomorrow! Gena immediately suggested. I looked at the schedule. It’s decided. We set out in the morning.

We have been traveling with this crew on sea cruises for a long time. Why not go on a mini cruise along the Volga while the borders are closed.

Самара — Ширяево. Красочная прогулка по Волге.

On the ship «Moscow» along the Volga

I took photo and video equipment, Gena a mask with fins, and the girls had a snack. We took a taxi to the river port. We stood in a short line at the box office for tickets, waiting for the ship “Moscow”.

Самара — Ширяево. Красочная прогулка по Волге.

It should be clarified that July 1 was declared a day off this year. After quarantine, there were more than enough people who wanted to take advantage of this opportunity and take a walk through picturesque places.

Самара — Ширяево. Красочная прогулка по Волге.

The weather was sunny, but not hot – 23 degrees in total. Of course it’s not enough for swimming, but for a walk it’s just right.

Самара — Ширяево. Красочная прогулка по Волге.

Самара — Ширяево. Красочная прогулка по Волге.

Самара — Ширяево. Красочная прогулка по Волге.

We set sail at 8.30 and spent 2.5 hours once again admiring the unique beauties of the Samara bend. First we sailed along the entire city. Handsome!

Самара — Ширяево. Красочная прогулка по Волге.

Самара — Ширяево. Красочная прогулка по Волге.

Further on, on both sides of the river, the Zhiguli mountains pleased the eye. Everything is so familiar and makes you want to come here again and again.

Самара — Ширяево. Красочная прогулка по Волге.

Самара — Ширяево. Красочная прогулка по Волге.

Самара — Ширяево. Красочная прогулка по Волге.

Самара — Ширяево. Красочная прогулка по Волге.

Самара — Ширяево. Красочная прогулка по Волге.

When our ship passed very close to the shore in one place, I saw an interesting geodome tent. I really liked it and decided to find it online. We often go to corporate meetings in nature, I’m sure this will suit us.

This is modern technology, and memories of once visited holiday homes, camp sites, beaches, mountains, paths with caves, and hikes with tents come to mind. In one word — youth.


The village of Shiryaevo is located approximately halfway between Samara and Tolyatti. It is located on the right bank of the Volga between the mountains of the Zhiguli reserve.

Самара — Ширяево. Красочная прогулка по Волге.

The place is very beautiful, as is the entire Samara Luka Nature Reserve.

Самара — Ширяево. Красочная прогулка по Волге.

Самара — Ширяево. Красочная прогулка по Волге.

Самара — Ширяево. Красочная прогулка по Волге.

In the village of Shiryaevo there is one attraction — Repin Museum. But we were unlucky, it turned out to be closed. I found a few photos on the Internet to give you an idea of ​​the rural museum.

Самара — Ширяево. Красочная прогулка по Волге.

Самара — Ширяево. Красочная прогулка по Волге.

Самара — Ширяево. Красочная прогулка по Волге.

Самара — Ширяево. Красочная прогулка по Волге.

We had about 4 hours at our disposal. Therefore, we simply settled down on the banks of the Volga and enjoyed the beautiful views. And the air in these places is so fresh that it makes a resident of a metropolis dizzy.

Самара — Ширяево. Красочная прогулка по Волге.

Самара — Ширяево. Красочная прогулка по Волге.

Gennady still could not restrain himself and dived near the shore a couple of times with a mask.

Time has passed quickly and it’s time to return home. We had a nice rest and spent the day off in nature.

Самара — Ширяево. Красочная прогулка по Волге.

“A charge of vivacity and positive emotions have been received – this is the main thing!”

Blog author Sergey Buslaev

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Самара — Ширяево. Красочная прогулка по Волге.



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