InCruises partners in Tolyatti on the banks of the Volga

The team from Samara was kindly invited to visit by our partners from Tolyatti. We decided to meet with friends and colleagues in an informal setting. In holding official events in Samara, the partners of the InCruises club have already become skilled.

And after a long separation, I didn’t want pathos, solemnity, strict style, especially since it was +30 overboard. We decided to just chat, joke, remember sea cruises, talk about plans and achievements, take a simple swim, eat barbecue.

Togliatti vacation on the Volga

The meeting took place at the “Quiet Harbor” tourist recreation center. It is located on the picturesque bank of the Volga Kopylova Peninsula. Resurrection. The highway was practically empty in the morning, and we quickly reached Togliatti.

Партнеры InCruises в Тольятти на берегу Волги

A gazebo was rented in advance on the very bank of the Volga with an excellent view of the Zhiguli Mountains.

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Since we arrived first, we looked around, saw the surroundings, and took memorable photographs.

The mood was growing every minute.

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Well, then everything turned out much more interesting and fun. Everyone else arrived, took a few group shots, and started getting ready. In fact, it was a picnic with a great relaxation on the banks of the Volga.

Партнеры InCruises в Тольятти на берегу Волги

Партнеры InCruises в Тольятти на берегу Волги

Tolyatti residents prepared an entertainment program for the day, which included:

  • Competitions and quizzes,
  • Interview with InCruises club partners,
  • Photo shoot,
  • Buffet with barbecue,
  • Songs, dances,
  • Swimming in the Volga,
  • Baba Yaga even stopped by to see the light

Партнеры InCruises в Тольятти на берегу Волги

All this gave the meeting an unforgettable friendly atmosphere. We met people we didn’t know yet, established connections, exchanged contacts and, of course, planned upcoming sea cruises. After all, we don’t have long to wait.

Organizers of holidays on the Volga

It’s extremely difficult to restrain yourself and not tell about a wonderful person, a partner of the club. A kind, cheerful and very creative person who suggested that we all meet together.

Партнеры InCruises в Тольятти на берегу Волги

Andrey Plutenko is familiar to many partners in the Samara region. He visited Samara several times and actively participated in various events.

Партнеры InCruises в Тольятти на берегу Волги

Remember Santa Claus in my article when the InCruises club turned 3 years old? This is his hobby and he is great at transforming. Actor.

And a gorgeous event in Samara for the 4th anniversary, where Andrey was one of the presenters?  He has enormous experience in this regard. The growth is obvious.

Партнеры InCruises в Тольятти на берегу Волги

This time he took upon himself the entire organization of the meeting. Of course, his colleagues helped him. But he made an agreement with the camp site, purchased and brought the necessary provisions for the picnic himself.

He led the meeting and had a great time playing the role of Baba Yaga. And in general it’s a pleasure to communicate with him. I’m sure everyone noticed this.

Tourist base on the banks of the Volga in Tolyatti

In conclusion, I want to make a short overview of the territory where we had such a wonderful holiday. I already wrote above that on the banks of the Volga in Togliatti there is a tourist center “Quiet Harbor”.

I had a little time, and I ran around her territory with a camera to show this place. Perhaps we will come there again or someone will want to relax on their own.

Do partners need such meetings?!

Absolutely! It brings people closer together and strengthens friendships and relationships. Yes, modern technologies Skype, Zoom, Viber, WhatsApp certainly help a lot in communication, but nothing can replace live communication! I’m sure I’ve expressed the general point of view.

Партнеры InCruises в Тольятти на берегу Волги

For everyone present at this meeting, the InCruises club is, first of all, a lifestyle!

This is how we live! Of course, we are running a business, but this is business for pleasure. Many of us travel at the expense of the company, or with large discounts. And for the fact that we tell other people about the oceans and seas, countries and cities we have seen — we get income.

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