Cruise “Grand Voyage from Europe to Egypt”

Cruise, the name of which contains the phrase Grand Voyage — is a piece item. This is the transfer of a ship from one route to another, this happens once every six months in spring and autumn. Today we are reviewing the autumn Grand Voyage cruise from Europe to Egypt on the MSC Orchtstra liner lasting 11 nights.

This trip will be of interest to tourists of different age categories: families with children, pensioners, middle-aged people and of course young people. On board there is a theater, sports ground, library, swimming pools, and leisure activities for children.

Sea travel in the Mediterranean Sea attracts with the opportunity to visit several countries, see a huge number of natural, historical, cultural attractions of the region.

Itinerary of the cruise “Grand Voyage from Europe to Egypt”

On the map of the Mediterranean, the route of this cruise looks like this:

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Route schedule by days and hours:

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Genoa is a major port in Italy. You can get there either by plane or by car. Due to the large number of attractions, this city is called the cultural capital of Europe. Tourists first of all visit the old port with the fantastic world of the Aquarium, the Biosphere garden museum, the five-story Galata with marine exhibits, and the La Lanterna lighthouse, the symbol of the city. If you want to experience the feeling of flying, you can use the panoramic elevator “Il Bigo”, the boom of which rises to 40 meters

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Palazzi dei Rolli

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Staglieno Cemetery

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Via Garibaldi

Marseille in 8 hours

The city is large, so attractions are selected in advance. Most often, tourists visit the Pannier (“basket”) district, located near the port with the Museum of Old Marseille, the Cathedral of St. Mary Major, the Vieille Charité museum complex, shops and cafes. Eight hours is enough to visit the cathedral, the Basilica of Notre-Dame de la Garde.

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Longchamp Palace

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Isle of If

Please note! From the hill on which it is built, you can see the legendary Château d’If, described by Dumas.

Civitavecchia in 10 hours

As a rule, tourists travel from the port to Rome, but if you have already been there and want to leisurely explore the area, then here are the places to visit. The most popular Baths of Taurine, built more than 2 thousand years ago. In second place is Michelangelo’s fortress, which attracts with its majestic appearance and impressive size. It is also recommended to visit the Cathedral of San Francesco, built at the beginning of the 17th century, with statues of Saints Anthony of Padua and Francis. The interior decoration is luxurious, but discreet.

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Greek island Katakolon

This town is called the gateway to Olympia with the Olympic Games Museum, the Archaeological Museum with a statue of the winged goddess Nike, the ruins of the Sanctuary and the Mercury Vineyard.

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Island of Heraklion

Tourists must visit the Old Town with the Morosini Fountain, built in 1628 in honor of St. Mark. This Renaissance example was originally intended to supply the city with water in case of siege. On Venizelos Square there is an Orthodox church, the Cathedral of St. Mina.

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Круиз «Гранд Вояж из Европы в Египет»

On St. Catherine’s Square there is a church of the same name, which is considered an architectural monument of the 17th century. At the moment, the church houses an art museum with a huge collection of church utensils, including icons. The eight-hour tour can be completed with a visit to the Koules Fortress in the port.

Jordan. Aqaba city

On the shore there is a Mamluk castle (a hotel for receiving pilgrims to Mecca). Aqaba is the entrance to the Wadi Rum desert (Valley of the Moon). In the north-west of the city are the ruins of Ayla, which occupy a special place in the history of the country. This city was built outside the peninsula in the 7th century. Nearby are the ruins of the oldest church in the world with fragments of the city wall.

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Sharm el-Sheikh in 10 hours

You can just walk around this city, but the main attractions are:

  • Colored Canyon,
  • Monastery of St. Catherine,
  • El-Mustafa Mosque,
  • Tutankhamun Museum.

Located in the surrounding area. Tourists are attracted by the Hollywood complex with its Jurassic Park and attractions, which delight children. There are swimming pools in the Albatross water park. Slides, areas and rooms for children, cafes for adults.

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What you can see in the city of Safaga

The cruise from Europe to Egypt ends at 8 am. Those who do not immediately go home can visit the ancient port of the Pharaohs, the Turkish fort, and the city of Umm Huwaitat. Many tourists rent yachts and go to the island chain, others prefer to visit the Arabian Desert, including on camels.

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Круиз «Гранд Вояж из Европы в Египет»

This route combines two: a Red Sea cruise and a «Mediterranean Panorama« cruise.

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