Travel insurance for a sea cruise

Interesting, exotic countries and cities, beautiful gentle sea, snow-white liner, unusual cuisine. All this is sometimes so intoxicating that you can forget about the insurance policy. 

You received the necessary documents for the cruise, boarding passes, but you were not provided with insurance. All responsibility falls on you. Statistics show a low level of insurance claims on a cruise, but as they say: — God protects those who are careful.

Health insurance

The concept of “cruise insurance” does not yet exist in the insurance market of our country. Standard travel medical insurance is suitable for us, which we take out for traveling abroad or for obtaining a visa.

Туристическая страховка для морского круиза

As a rule, a sea cruise covers several countries in one trip. When purchasing travel medical insurance, it is important to indicate those countries that are included in the cruise itinerary. If this is the European Union, then you can select the option “all countries of the Schengen area”, but remember that countries such as:

  • Montenegro,
  • Cyprus,
  • Croatia, 
  • Bulgaria,
  • Romania.

Not members of this zone.

Important to remember! 

The insurance policy is valid only on shore, and in the territory that covers the insurance zone. 

An example when you choose countries yourself. 

The cruise ship is transiting between the countries of Spain and Italy, its route also passes through the waters of France. If an insured event happens to you in this territory, and you did not include France, you will have to pay the full amount for the medical care provided.

Included in basic insurance

By default, the basic insurance package includes the following services:

  • Providing emergency assistance in case of injuries on a cruise;
  • Outpatient and inpatient treatment;
  • Transportation to hospital;
  • Medicine costs are covered by the policy;
  • Dentist’s help with acute pain;
  • Refunds for calls to insurance or medical institutions;
  • Repatriation of the body to the airport of residence, flights for relatives.

Insurance policy does not cover, but can be additionally issued:

  1. Sunburn;
  2. Chronic diseases, if there is no threat to life;
  3. Pregnancy and everything connected with it.

Additional option “active recreation”

You probably know that there is a ton of sports entertainment available on board a cruise ship. And we are not talking about a harmless treadmill and exercise equipment, but about dizzying attractions. Just surfing FlowRider is worth it.

Of course, you will be instructed and, where possible, wearing safety belts, however, it is dangerous. When choosing the additional option “active recreation”, you need to list the sports that you plan to do on a sea cruise.

Non-health insurance

When purchasing travel insurance, you may also find the following options useful.

Flight delay

I always recommend arriving at least 24 hours before the start of the cruise in order to avoid troubles associated with being late for the ship. But not everything is in our power; the flight may be delayed for a longer period. In this case, the insurance company will pay (reimburse later) accommodation and meals.

Lost or delayed luggage 

We once encountered luggage delays, although there was no insurance and everything turned out well. A day later the suitcase was brought home. But if lost, you could lose everything.


If an accident occurs, you will be paid a decent amount. The policy is similar to life insurance.

Compare travel insurance

From my experience, I can recommend two aggregators for finding companies that provide favorable travel insurance conditions. You can compare both services.

I used the first one 4 times to get a policy for myself and I don’t remember how many times already for clients and friends, look:

I learned about the second service not so long ago, but have already managed to use it. I have applied for it a couple of times for myself and several times for clients and acquaintances. Here it is:

What you shouldn’t forget when going on a cruise

Having medical insurance does not guarantee you emergency assistance along the pole here and now if you are at sea. If you have a stomach ache, a toothache, a broken arm, etc., it’s not a fact that the insurance company will pay immediately. There is no connection, which means there is no way to quickly get through. 

What to do?

Have some money with you to pay for medical services on board the ship. Then the insurance company will reimburse you for the expenses; of course, you need to keep the receipt.

In what cases does insurance not apply

If a passenger during a cruise voyage:

  • Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • Got sick before the ship sailed;
  • Venereal or mental illnesses detected.

In conclusion

A trip on a sea cruise is an unforgettable event in life. But you shouldn’t overshadow it with your irresponsible approach to it. With a reasonable and competent approach, you can significantly reduce the costs of unforeseen circumstances. 

Just take care of travel health insurance in advance. Write down and save your policy number, download the company’s mobile application to your smartphone. And you feel confident and protected on the cruise.

And if, nevertheless, something happened while traveling, and you ignored insurance, contrary to the advice in this article, then you will definitely receive help from an online service for providing legal assistance. The service will help solve hundreds of sticky situations from refunds to flight delays.

If you find it difficult to issue a policy on your own, we will help you with this.


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Туристическая страховка для морского круиза



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