Seller of happiness or 5 years in the InCruises club

How quickly time flies. On October 6, 2016, I decided to become a member and partner of the international club InCruises. It’s been 5 years since then. The quality of life has changed dramatically. How many magical journeys are behind us, new cities and countries. And what is it worth meeting aspiring, successful, filled with energy and joy, sometimes extraordinary people.

I often catch myself wondering if another product? can bring so much happiness! Now, if I weren’t a seller of happiness, but let’s say I was selling toothpaste, cosmetics, magic pills for health, etc. The opponent will answer: — What does this have to do with? I earn money and can afford everything!

Absolutely! But we’re talking about something else…

How I got into the cruise club

This is a story I sometimes tell to potential partners, but I have never written about it. Apparently the time has come.

Every year we went on vacation with my wife to the sea. The destinations were chosen, as a rule, along the banal routes of the majority of Russians: Krasnodar Territory, Turkey, Egypt, Thailand.

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It never even occurred to us to go to Paris, London, or even Madagascar and the Seychelles. They thought it was most likely so expensive. We were partly right.

And then one day, sitting at the monitor, when I was once again looking for good offers from tour operators, a tempting advertisement caught my eye. With a huge cruise ship in the background, there was a description of a 7-day itinerary.

My heart beat faster when I read about all the delights of such a trip. I looked at the cost, licked my lips and decided to postpone consideration of this option until next year. I subscribed to the newsletter and received magical offers from the tour operator.

Time passed. Each time we chose something modest and banal, and each time I promised myself – well, next year I will definitely go on a cruise! This is how everything would most likely continue until I saw a beautiful post on VK. It talked about the opportunity to travel around the planet in 5 years and significantly reduce the cost of traveling around the world. Moreover, travel on snow-white, comfortable, modern cruise ships. If it weren’t for the pandemic, this would have happened.

I caught myself thinking that if you really want it, it will definitely come true. The universe heard me and gives me endless possibilities. How could I miss this chance?! It would be a crime against oneself

I wanted more

Wrote the author of the post to find out more. Raisa had already been on a cruise and therefore described the cruise without making anything up. She also said that I could not only buy cruises at a big discount, but also make money on it.

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Raisa and I at a conference in Ufa

At first I wasn’t very interested in the affiliate program. For me, the discounts that other tour operators cannot provide were quite enough. But after thinking carefully and weighing all the pros and cons, I became not only a member of the club, but a partner. I don’t regret it one bit now. After all, I travel to this day, and even at the expense of the club.

I thought, well, I still can’t remain silent and will write about my travels on a blog and show it on the YouTube channel. This will give me a certain % of partners. As it turned out, it wasn’t just me. The blog was used by partners from other branches and structures. Showed my articles and videos to newcomers. In a word, I gave a piece of my soul to many current and future partners.

5 years of my blog

Almost immediately after registering and paying for club membership, I purchased additional space on my hosting and a domain name. I understood that since this was the very beginning, the cat was crying for information. My articles will easily be included in the TOP of search engines. And so it happened.

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By the way, initially my site had a different domain, incruisesclub, but soon the company prohibited using the club name in the domain name. Without hesitation, I moved to, which translates to — Cruise Time.

The blog underwent changes several times until the company finally made a verdict – it complies. In short, a lot of work has been put into this resource.

To date, 79 articles have been published, considerable funds have been invested in promotion and design. This is years of work on the blog. I am sure that my brainchild will help more than one hundred people with choosing a business for pleasure.

I initially started calling myself — seller of happiness! It’s hard to find a company where you get financial satisfaction from marketing and an unforgettable experience from the product — an exquisite type of relaxation.

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“But in the end what happened happened. The beautiful fairy tale of Incruises has come to an end for the partners of the Russian Federation and Belarus, but I continue to work in the same niche. I help people travel on cruises without a club.”

— Blog author, Sergey Buslaev

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