Why did I get vaccinated with Gam-COVID-Vac

As it turned out, there are many reasons to get vaccinated. In this article I will try to explain: how I came to this decision, how the vaccination process itself went, what the symptoms were after the injections “Sputnik” and my personal opinion about all this.

I’ll say right away that the decision to get vaccinated Gam-COVID-Vac did not come easily. It is extremely difficult to overcome fear after being hooked on a negative wave of information. This is precisely the content that well-wishers fed me with videos and articles. This happens to most people. For a long time, official sources spoke very sparingly about the vaccine. But the amateur conspiracy theorists who got to the microphone spoke such nonsense and nonsense. Just the implantation of microchips through a vaccine is worth…

Vaccine Gam-COVID-Vac (“Sputnik V”)

Gam-COVID-Vac — combined vector vaccine for the prevention of coronavirus infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Почему я сделал прививку Гам-КОВИД-Вак

Why I chose the Gam-COVID-Vac vaccine? Because it is the most researched and most recommended by doctors. At least, my doctor recommended this one; of the 3 domestic vaccines offered in Russia, imported ones are practically not yet available to us.

My reasons and motivators to get vaccinated.

First, but not the main reason for me to get vaccinated is the lack of opportunity to travel. Not long ago, due to the pandemic, my sea cruise from Lisbon to Barcelona was canceled. This is the second time in a year and a half. Sad, annoying, but okay.

Although we are still not allowed into most countries with Sputnik, there is hope that the situation may change. In the meantime, let’s go with my wife to the Krasnodar region, why not travel?! Our bonus points are accumulating, the time will come, we’ll have a blast.” After all, between us we already have about 10 000 $.

The second and the most important reason to get vaccinated is health. Alas, I am not that young anymore and have some “sores”. If I become infected with the corona virus, its complications can have a fatal effect on me. However, just like for a healthy person. I cannot expose myself to such a risk simply because of rumors.

The above-mentioned doctor went to a conference in St. Petersburg in July. And I talked with her with great interest. Fortunately, there was no one behind me in line, and she had a predisposition to talk. She reported on news in the field of development and study of domestic vaccines. This was the last straw in making the decision.

The third reason, an unimportant reason for me, was the opportunity to visit various kinds of public places: cafes, restaurants, events, etc. My wife had another reason to get vaccinated – work. She doesn’t want to lose her just yet, and the governor of our region followed the example of Moscow. Now 60% of employees in some business areas must be vaccinated.

How I received the Gam-COVID-Vac vaccine

An application for vaccination was submitted through the State Services portal. Convenient, fast, in some cases you can even select the date and time. I did not have such privileges, since at that moment the next batch of drugs was not delivered, but my wife chose the day and time.

Conveniences ended at the district clinic, where I arrived after notifying the State Services. A huge queue, in 35 degree heat, in a room without air conditioning, is still a pleasure.

Filled out 3 pieces of paper: questionnaire, consent and something else. I ducked into the office after 1.5 hours of waiting in line. They took the temperature and saturation, asked about existing and past illnesses, took my word for it (that is, there was no checking with the medical record, no tests were taken) and sent to the treatment room.

There was still the same line as at the doctor’s. As a result, they injected me in the shoulder with a small syringe and said, sit in the corridor for half an hour, if you don’t fall, then you can go home. That’s all for today.


The first injection was painless. The only trouble is pain in the shoulder at the injection site for days 2-3.

Within 21 days before the next stage of vaccination, notifications were sent to the mail, where it was proposed to keep a diary on the portal of the same State Services. Comfortable.

And finally, second vaccinationa. This time I arrived at the opening of the clinic and was almost the first in line. I walked in with a piece of paper in my hand, the doctor took my temperature and saturation again and asked me where my certificate was. I replied that no one gave it to me. And the wandering around the offices began. Tired of it. I went to the manager and they issued me a new certificate. Pay attention to this! After the first injection you should be given a certificate in your hands.

The second injection and I  I went home happy. I didn’t experience any signs of illness all day. And in the evening it began.

At first the temperature rose to 37.7, with terrible aching in the limbs, weakness, and chills. In a word, a disgusting condition. Of course, there was no sleep, and by one in the morning the temperature had risen to 39. I called my sister, she is a health worker, what should I do? She advised me to take paracetamol or ibuprofen. By morning the temperature dropped to normal, but everything else remained, but nevertheless it became a little easier.

After lunch on the second day, the temperature rose again to 37.8. What bothered me the most, of course, was not the temperature, but the aching in the muscles and joints of the arms and legs. This is how our body fights foreign bodies and develops protection (immunity).

Почему я сделал прививку Гам-КОВИД-Вак

I woke up in the morning “like new.” On the third day I forgot that I was vaccinated. From communicating with friends and relatives, I know that not everyone has such a painful reaction to the vaccine; many experience nothing at all except a slight pain in the shoulder.

My opinion on vaccination

As you noticed, initially my opinion about vaccination was extremely negative. At one fine moment I asked myself a question: Seryoga, you are 51 years old and you listen and read this nonsense? But my favorite genre is science fiction, and this has so much in common, I answered myself.

The country will be considered safe if 80% of the population is vaccinated against modern scourge. Think about who benefits from the country not becoming safe?

Online nonsense

Remember what was prophesied for us last year? That everyone who gets vaccinated will die out within a year. Now this is not relevant, since many have been vaccinated for a year already. The new “mulka” will overtake every vaccinated person within 2 years. I hope you understand the diagram.

What else is there? And about the golden billion. To remove unnecessary ones, it is necessary to implant a chip under everyone’s skin through vaccination and, using 5G technology, “turn off” everyone. And supposedly, if you’re smart and haven’t gotten vaccinated, you’ll be counted among the golden billion???

In short, these are the fables that circulate on the Internet. By the way, write in the comments what you have read or watched like this. Let’s have a laugh together!

Почему я сделал прививку Гам-КОВИД-Вак

And finally, “the forest is being cut down, the chips are flying.” I also think that forced vaccination is bad.


  • Firstly, it leads some people to similar thoughts. If they force you, it means it’s bad. But on the other hand, how to achieve this notorious 80%. Consciousness is now at zero. There are not enough outreach programs.
  • Secondly, there is always a percentage of people who cannot tolerate one or another component. The situation with control is depressing, I encountered it myself. Healthy? Healthy! Well, then go and do it. It shouldn’t be this way. Hence the negativity. So he did it and died or got sick. And no one reports that there was intolerance.
  • Thirdly, the situation of identifying the cause of death or illness is almost the same. A simple example. A person became infected with the virus within a day or 2; Covid19 has not yet manifested itself in any way. And after the vaccination I got sick. Well, of course, the vaccine is to blame, who will figure it out. But there is an excellent reason for rumors.

And we know very well how rumors and negativity work. One case in a million, but everyone knows about it, because the narrow-minded video blogger relishes such a story. Ugh! And 99.9% are silent, that they feel great and are glad that they protected themselves.

I suggest watching a professional journalist who collected the opinions of both sides. That is, not a biased opinion.

Think and draw your own conclusions.

And finally I will say this

Whoever believes in what gets it!

I believe that I have protected myself and my loved ones from harm, and so it will be!

Well, who believes otherwise…


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Почему я сделал прививку Гам-КОВИД-Вак



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