Sea cruise “Asia” or voyage “Around Japan”

Continuing to select interesting routes for you for the summer season of 2023, I came across the Asia sea cruise. I don’t know why the tour operator called it that (this is not all of Asia). In my opinion, — voyage around Japan with a stop at Korea. I must note that the cruise ship carrying out this cruise is worthy of special attention, but more on that below.

You’ve probably already heard that this year Japan is opening its borders and we will be able to visit this country. Although visa information for the cruise is still being finalized, this trip is scheduled for August and is already on sale. It is worth noting that other options with similar routes may interest you.

From June to the end of September there are 5 routes available in this region. The duration varies from 6 to 9 nights and all of them are operated by the cruise line MSC Cruises.

Asian cruise route around Japan

Морской круиз “Азия” или вояж “Вокруг Японии”

Морской круиз “Азия” или вояж “Вокруг Японии”

Yokohama. The route begins in this Japanese city. Yokohama — the largest metropolis, second in size only to the capital Tokyo. These cities are neighbors; they are separated by only 30 km.

Морской круиз “Азия” или вояж “Вокруг Японии”

Морской круиз “Азия” или вояж “Вокруг Японии”

Морской круиз “Азия” или вояж “Вокруг Японии”

Sights of Yokohama:

  • Art Museum,
  • Nippon Maru Memorial Park,
  • Yokohama’s largest Chinatown in the country.

Don’t be late, boarding the plane at 22:00 local time.

Морской круиз “Азия” или вояж “Вокруг Японии”

Kumano. By the evening of the second day, the ship arrives at the port of Kumano. This is a pilgrimage site and is home to three Shinto shrines. A short stop for 4 hours and then we hit the road again.

Морской круиз “Азия” или вояж “Вокруг Японии”

Морской круиз “Азия” или вояж “Вокруг Японии”

Морской круиз “Азия” или вояж “Вокруг Японии”

Морской круиз “Азия” или вояж “Вокруг Японии”

A Day at Sea. The third day of the “Asia” cruise will take place entirely at sea, where there is an opportunity to get acquainted with the liner in detail. The voyage will be carried out by a modern ocean ship MSC Bellissima. This is the twin brother of MSC Meraviglia, by the way, it was my first cruise.

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