Incendiary party in Samara – World Cruise Party

On March 18, an incendiary party of the Incruises club took place in Samara. The premises for this event were kindly provided by Van Gogh Bar, which is conveniently located on the second floor of the Zvezda cultural and entertainment center. About 80 people attended the World Cruise Party. All guests were very pleased with […]

Location of cabins on a cruise ship

Last time we looked at what types of cabins there are on a cruise ship. Do you think there is a difference between cabins at the bow, stern or in the center of the ship? Does your comfort depend on the height of the deck? Of course – yes! Quiet living largely depends on the

Incruises club office in Samara

The Samara office of InCruises opened in February of this year. He immediately became a great help in the work of active partners of the club. Now all consultations, meetings, training and events take place in our office. It is very comfortable. All conditions have been created for the growth of each partner and the

A quick start for a newcomer to the InCruises club

Quick start – this is another surprise, a gift, if you like, from the wise president of the InCruises club. Essentially this is a promotion for beginners. It is not mandatory, but everyone strives to fulfill it. After all, these are additional bonuses to those already available in marketing. They provide an opportunity to earn

Sea cruise in Northern Europe

Having gone on a wonderful, exciting second sea cruise, we will visit the most beautiful, legendary cities of Northern Europe. Which attract tourists from all over the world with their amazing history, rich cultural and architectural heritage. We — This is a small group of club partners of four people in the city of Samara.

Cruise companies. Which one to choose?

Not long ago we figured out what types of cabins there are and how they are located on a cruise ship. It’s time to talk about cruise companies. What are the differences? Which one is better to choose? Value for money? These questions are logical and arise for most lovers of sea travel. The answers

Wardrobe and necessary things on a sea cruise

So. In previous articles, we decided which cruise company and ship suited us best, and chose a comfortable cabin for ourselves. It’s time to find out what you need to take with you from your wardrobe, how it is customary to dress on a given occasion (dress code). What household items can be useful on

How much does a sea cruise cost?

The most frequently asked question is — how much does a sea cruise cost? A person who has never been on such an unusual trip is extremely interested in the “price of the issue”. But it’s simply impossible to answer quickly and definitely. For example, how to answer the question — how much does a

Traveler's Onboard Cruise Card

I would like to report to you, dear readers, that the onboard cruise card is a very convenient thing. This is a plastic card with a magnetic stripe that looks and functions like a bank card. Serves as: a key to your cabin, a means of payment, an identity document and a pass to the

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